New Year New Transparency

So much of social media is persona.

It’s the technicalogicial version of ” keeping up with the Jones’s ” right?! This isn’t anything most of us didn’t already know.

It makes it easy to hide things like mental health and substance abuse issues. We can tell the would whatever we want.

This makes it easier to deny as well.

The other things that can hide in social media are symptoms.

While this is all true, the real issue is denial.

We all experience trauma and to deny that trauma and it’s affects/effects is damaging.

For those of you who know that we are a 20+ year military family know without us saying a word. Those just catching up….Yeah!

My story is so much bigger than me. I am not a veteran, but I am a spouse of a veteran.

Our story begins before he enlisted. It reads like a fictional drama, but is more real than most can handle. It goes through enlistment to becoming an Officer, through deployments that aren’t talked about, and retirement.

Retirement stands for: Now I have time for the world to crash down around me! I don’t mean to take everyone with me, but they are coming!

It’s tears, pain, anything that will dull the pain, a load of feelings that I can’t identify and especially cannot communicate because “Pain is just weakness leaving the body!”

This all sounds unreal, right?

Welcome to our reality.

It’s my kids asking “What is happening?” Stating that what they are seeing and experiencing if hard to watch, see, feel.

It’s good days to horrible nights.

It’s fights and loss of connectedness.

It’s a spectrum of feelings you can only understand if you are standing in our shoes.

Today, Tonight, I want to cry because I’m angry, disappointed, at a loss, frustrated, sympathetic, lost, and so much more that I can’t identify.

I want to run away, it’s so overwhelming. I don’t know what to do,while knowing what needs to be done.

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